Academic papers
2. Konashevych, O., 2020. General Concept of Real Estate Tokenization on Blockchain. European Property Law Journal, De Gruyter, 9, 1–45. Forthcoming.
3. Konashevych, O., 2020. Cross-Blockchain Protocol for Public Registries. SSRN Electron. J.
4. Konashevych, O., 2020. Constraints and Benefits of the Blockchain Use for Real Estate and Property Rights. Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law, Emerald Publishing Limited, Vol 12, Issue 2. (pdf)
5. Konashevych, O., 2020. How European Experience and Blockchain Can Improve Electronic Signatures and Digital Identities in Australia (and Not Only)? SSRN Electron. J.
6. Konashevych, O., Khovayko, O., 2020. Randpay: The technology for blockchain micropayments and transactions which require recipient’s consent. Computers and Security, Elsevier Ltd. 96, 101892.
7. Poblet, M., Allen, D., Konashevych, O., Lane, A.M., Diaz Valdivia, C.A., 2020. From Athens to the Blockchain: Oracles for Digital Democracy. SSRN Electron. J.
8. Konashevych, O., 2019. Why “Permissioned” and “Private” are not Blockchains. SSRN Electron. J.
9. Konashevych, O., 2019. Data Insertion in Blockchain For Legal Purposes. How to Sign Contracts Using Blockchain. Electronic modeling – international scientific-theoretical journal, Ukrinformnauka Co. Ltd., Vol 41, Issue 5, 103–120.
10. Konashevych, O., Poblet, M., 2019. Blockchain anchoring of public registries: Options and challenges, ICEGOV2019: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance in: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 317–323. (pdf)
11. Konashevych, O., 2019. Comparative analysis of the legal concept of title rights in real estate and the technology of tokens: How can titles become tokens?, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Springer Verlag, pp. 339–351. (pdf)
12. Konashevych, O., Poblet, M., 2018. Is blockchain hashing an effective method for electronic governance?, in: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, pp. 195–199.
13. Konashevych, O., 2018. Emercoin Blockchain Anchoring as a Way of Singing Contracts, in: Rodríguez-Doncel, V., Casanovas, P., González-Conejero, J., Montiel-Ponsoda, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Technologies for Regulatory Compliance Co-Located with the 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2018). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Groningen, The Netherlands, pp. 17–29. (pdf)
14. Konashevych, O., 2017. The Concept of the Blockchain-Based Governing: Current Issues and General Vision, in: Borges, V. (Ed.), Proceedings of the European Conference on E-Government, ECEG. Academic Conference Ltd. (pdf)
15. Tomkova, J., Konashevych, O., 2016. EGAP Policy Briefs on Good e-Governance. Issue #1: Legislative Aspects on E-Democracy in Ukraine. (pdf)
16. Nikolaev, V.A., Konashevych, O.I., 2017. Not only Structured Query Language Method of Ad Request Processing. Electron. Electronic modeling – international scientific-theoretical journal, Ukrinformnauka Co. Ltd. Vol 39, Issue 1, 105–112.
17. Valialkin, A.V., Konashevych, O.I., 2016. Real-time Method of Accurate Unique IPs Counting Across High Number of Distinct Dimensions and Distinct Time Frames for Big Data Systems. Electronic modeling – international scientific-theoretical journal, Ukrinformnauka Co. Ltd. Vol 38, Issue 3, 63–74.
18. Konashevych, O.I., 2016. Advantages and Current Issues of Blockchain Use in Microgrids. Electronic modeling – international scientific-theoretical journal, Ukrinformnauka Co. Ltd. Vol 38, Issue 2, 93–104.
19. Konashevych, O., 2015. The Concept of Paper Document Turnover Tax. Journal Effective Economy of Dnipropetrovs'k State Agrarian University, Vol 9, (pdf)
20. Konashevych, O., 2015. The Use of Blockchain Technology for The Development of Electronic Democracy and Electronic Governance. Еlectronic scientific journal of the National University of "Ostroh Academy", Law Series. Vol 11, Issue 1, 1–15.
21. Конашевич, О., 2024. Помилкові уявлення про застосування блокчейн технологій в державних реєстрах нерухомості, Цивілістична Платформа - Науковий юридичний журнал № 1, 2024, стор.146-168. (Див.анонс).